It was our intention to post updates directly to this 'blog', but FB and text messages became much faster and therefore the preferred method of getting the word out. However, I believe chronicling these emotions will be something that Georgia can look back on to know how much her parents love her.
Georgia was born Thursday at 1:33am. By Friday at 7:15am we were walking her down to the surgery room on the 1st floor of Kaiser Sunset. I cannot describe the emotion of watching your daughter, whom since birth needed no medications or breathing tubes, be wheeled down a hallway to face a major surgery.
Dr. Roman Sydorak, our pediatric surgeon, is a blessing to the Kaiser system. Surgeons know not to sugar coat much because information sharing on their end needs to be quick and concise. He quickly walked into our post-mortem room at 8:30am and said "she did great! the silo is installed and she's on her way back to the NICU". The easiest way to understand a silo is to imagine a plastic bag with a hole in the bottom. To empty the contents easily you can pull the handles upward and everything should slide out. This is the physics of the Georgia's silo.
Friday we were allowed to stay another night at Kaiser, to remain close to our little girl. Saturday became a little more stressful. Cricket was discharged at 10am and check-in time at the Los Angeles Ronald McDonald House wasn't until 2pm. We took a little trip to Target to get supplies, checked in at RM House, and ate a quick lunch. By the end of the day, Cricket's feet-o-meters said that we were done being busy. Any parent that has to leave their child at a hospital overnight will understand, it is the most empty feeling you can imagine, and has rejuvenated my desire to get her home ASAP.
That being said, the RM in Hollywood is an amazing facility. It's far nicer than most hotels, and has the warmth you'd expect. There are storage places for our food, a kitchen and dining room (built to resemble McD's of course), and secured parking while we stay. Our room has a queen bed, it's own bathroom and shower, and all the amenities you'd need at home. I can say with certainty that there's no greater feeling than knowing your belongings are secured and not having to live out of the back of your car.
Today is Sunday, I'm sitting in the NICU with my wife and child, just relaxing while the time flies by. Cricket is healing very well, and has amazed me with how strong she was during the delivery and after when her child was taken to NICU. It did help that Georgia is AMAZING and strong and Cricket was able to hold her before they took her to the NICU. We are scheduled to have the primary closure of the O on Tuesday @ 2:30pm. Please pray that Georgia is not in too much pain and can eat soon after having the final surgery. I've attached another picture of our little girl. The white wrap doesn't actually have any organs in it, it's simply the silo (which is empty now) and a lot of gauze to keep things clean. Her stomach is as flat as a normal baby, it just needs to be buttoned up!
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